Monday, May 26, 2008

Lily & Henry

We enjoyed a fabulous barbecue at Matthew and Emily's house today... and Lily and Henry had a blast, too!

I got a little nervous when Henry made a move for Lily's ice cream... ... but Lily didn't seem to mind.
And then there was actual sharing between two toddlers!
Lily and Daddy
Ready for more sharing...

"What would you do-oo-oo for a Klondike bar??"

Hokey Pokey


Some fun recent photos of Lily...

The wading pool is always a hit on a warm day! Lily at the park for Stephen's birthday
Finally starting to act like a member of our family... Lily will eat ice cream now!
Part of the fun of gear for the new baby is the boxes... Lily made this one her "house" and enjoyed being able to write on the walls.
Dancing on stage at the XMKids concert on the Mall.
Riding the carousel with Daddy...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Early Mother's Day Present

When I got home on Friday, Lily said "Present!" And I thought - man, she really is maxing out the birthday thing... but she meant she had a present for me!

Seriously, I cannot get enough of this photo. Look how proud and excited she is! No better gift than a smile like this...
She brought her creation over to me... it's a flower pot, but the "dirt" was a chocolate pudding-whipped cream-oreo cookie concoction. Lily's teachers said when she made it at school, she kept saying "This is for MY mommy!" and then eating it :)
Here she is telling me about all her hard work.

National Train Day

We're parents to quite the little "trainiac" so when we found out that there was a National Train Day event at Union Station (a short walk from our house) we were ready to go...

We walked in and Lily got a bag of goodies to start things off. Luckily we went early on in the event, because by the time we headed out it was packed!
What a great daddy... J. gave Lily a boost so she could get a better view of the model trains.
This one's for Lily's Grandpa Dave... he's a train fan, too!
Daddy, Lily and Screech
The smile says it all - it was a great morning!


Lily cannot leave the house anymore without some type of accessory - sunglasses, jewelry, doesn't matter... but the girl needs flair!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"I Kick Balls"

A co-worker just sent me this photo... we went to see the KaBOOM! kickball team in action the other night. Lily had a blast and really got into cheering. The next morning at breakfast I asked if she had fun, and she said, "I kick balls?" and I replied that no honey, you played kickball. But she kept saying "I kick balls?" - I think Jeremy was not only amused, but hopeful she'll keep up this routine all the way through her teenage years.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Strawberry Picking

Sunday was supposed to be rainy, so we were pleasantly surprised to wake up to sunny weather. We took Lily to pick strawberries in the morning (which took a lot less time than it did last year!). Grandma and Grandpa helped Lily find the really good ones...

Derby Day!

We started off the big day with a small (and belated) party for Lily - just a few friends since Lily is becoming quite the stereotypical two-year-old and we didn't want to overwhelm her.

Enjoying cupcakes...

Later, we had some grown-up fun... here is everyone gathered around at post time. Lily got really into the races, and mid-way through the Derby she started yelling along with everyone else... "Go horsies!"

Horsies in the 'Hood

We talked to Lily about how we were having friends over to watch the horsies on Saturday, so when she woke up she said "I see horsies?" We had no idea that we would be able to make it happen... but two police officers on horses walked down our block later in the day. She was so excited to meet Seamus (the larger horse) and Rosie (the smaller one).

Bubble Wrap

Why do we buy toys?!

Saturday morning...

It took Lily a while to get ready for a trip to Sidamo on Saturday morning. She is getting very vocal on the decision of what shoes to wear, and asked to wear the jewelry she got for her birthday as well.
Sitting on Grandpa's lap after picking out her juice.
Happy on the walk home...
... but unable to wait until home to get started on the muffin Mimi gave her!

More Birthday Fun

Lily was really excited that yet another birthday package was waiting for her when we got home on Thursday. While she used to say "Mama open box?" when we had packages waiting for us, she saw it and said "Open present?"

Here are a few shots of her enjoying her new puzzle... which managed to combine several of Lily's favorite things lately - ABCs, animals and of course trains!

And a great video of her reaction to new KU gear...