Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Flour Power

We're in our third straight day of staying indoors due to the cold weather... enough to drive both Lily and I crazy! We got some snow overnight, but Lily hasn't quite mastered playing in it yet. She likes picking it up, but then she gets frustrated with having mittens on!

So... last night when I realized I would be faced with yet another day indoors, I figured I needed to get more creative with Lily's playtime. We played dress up yesterday, which she surprised me by liking so much. (Mom, check out the ballerina skirt you got for her!!) Today after her morning nap I put newspapers down on the kitchen floor and let her have at a big pile of flour. Figured it was the next best thing to snow... and she had a ball.

With the way the forecast is looking, we'll need to come up with more activities to get us through the week. Here's hoping good old Punxatawney Phil is correct this year and we can expect an early spring!

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