Saturday, August 9, 2008

A just-about perfect day

So chances are, if you're looking for us on a weekend - we are at Sidamo. Today started off really well in that we coordinated our breakfast with Anne, Alan and Josie. Granted, we showed up an hour early... but after heading to our house for playtime, we were able to finally get breakfast. Onto the Farmer's Market...
After enjoying our 'hood on foot, we decided to get in the car for a day trip to Annapolis. The last time I had been there was during a college crush on a midshipman. Sad to say that when I did the math, it had been 10 years since my last visit...
Put Lily in front of water of any form and she's happy!
Lily, with her Daddy, in her combination "No Paparazzi, please/Luke, I am your father" pose. I have such love for the book Roots. When I went to Annapolis while at GW, I knew who Alex Haley was but hadn't read the book and didn't pay much attention to the Kunta Kinte memorial. But as a Peace Corps volunteer in The Gambia, it became a way of life. I meant to read it before leaving but the first time I actually read it was in village. The first three chapters, even though they took place in the late 1700s, were a picture-perfect description of my life at the time. Naming ceremonies, women named Jankeh (hi Jaime!) pounding rice and corn, etc. etc. The final portion of the memorial is a series of 10 plaques with quotes from the book... below is my favorite. I remember the exact moment when I first read it in my hut. Anyway, all I kept thinking as I walked around and read the plaques today was... I cannot wait until Lily is old enough to discuss all this during a day trip to Annapolis.

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