Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Farm Visit... take two

Lily had such a blast at Cox Farms last weekend that when we asked her what she wanted to do yesterday, she of course replied, "Pick a pumpkin!" So... we took a drive out to Homestead Farm (which is turning into a quarterly excursion, given that they also have strawberries and Christmas trees at different times throughout the year).

Apple picking atop Daddy's shoulders...
Helping herself to a little snack.

Noah snuggled with his mama while Lily collected more apples. It's actually surprisingly easy to take day trips with them both... I don't remember being brave enough to take Lily for long car rides when she was 3-4 months old, but we've really been enjoying getting out of the city on Saturdays lately. We end up staying closer to home on Sunday, usually grabbing brunch somewhere before heading to the park... and of course making sure we're home in time for football!

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