Thursday, January 18, 2007

Attitude is everything

Well, the heading of this blog indicates that I'll be posting all the highs and lows that we see in Lily... and today we had a little of both! This afternoon Lily finished the cheerios in front of her and usually if she wants more, I go and get her a refill and it's no big deal. But au contraire! I am not exaggerating here... when she realized they were all gone, she arched her back in my arms, got totally red in the face and Screamed. Is it just me, or is this not supposed to happen until the Terrible Two's hit?? Regardless, it was somewhat amusing because I'd never seen her act like that and she completely knew what she wanted. Wonder where she gets that from :)

On the other side of things, we went to storytime at our neighborhood library this morning. Lily has really gotten into it in the last few weeks...she stares intently as the librarian reads aloud and loves to watch the older kids clap and sing. At home, one of her favorite things is to stand next to her bookshelf and pull all the books from the shelves. Whatever works to encourage her to be a reader!

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